Friday, September 20, 2013

Quick Pics

I needed a few quick photos of Kira, Roger and I for a book I make Kira every year. They were having a special that expired quickly so I had to jump at the opportunity. I only needed a few pics for this year and it was done. I thought they turned out cute even if they were unplanned and really quick!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

USU Homecoming Parade!

 Kira and I were on the Lashar's float for the USU homecoming Parade! It was a great time sitting with all the cute girls on the truck as they showed off their hand routine. Kira decided she was tired early on and didn't do the dance very much and by the end of the route I definitely agreed with her!
Thanks LaShar's for another great year!

Song and Dance!

 Not only has school begun but so has a new year of Children's Choir and Dance Lessons. Kira had a great time at both. She is now one of the bigger kids at singing and she tries to get involved as much as possible. I can hear her little voice louder this year. Her new teacher is Jenna. It is her first year teaching but we are super excited to see how the year progresses.

She is also paying much better attention to her dance teacher! Kira's new teacher is Janessa, I have known her for many years so it is good to have her teaching Kira now. Kira is very excited to show off all her new dancing skills!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another 1st Day of School!

 This is Kira's third first day of preschool! She is a pro and didn't need my help at all! She followed her teachers and friends into her class room and immediately went off to play. I was forgotten as the excitement of the class was high priority.  Of course that didn't stop me from getting my first day pictures taken!

 This was her indulgent... "Mom, I will smile for one more picture only if you promise to leave" face! She is too funny!
 I am so proud of you my BIG little girl!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Party Hardy!

Kira's Had a huge party on Saturday for her birthday! Considering she is only 4 she is a popular little girl! Her Dad and I threw a party at a park with lots of friends and family.

Kira's Cakes!

First they got to dress up as knights or princesses! They got to decorate their swords and crowns, put a skirt or tunic on and get all fancied up!

They then had to jump the moat! Unfortunately this moat kept getting bigger and bigger each time they jumped!

Some got wet!

They then had to pick their favorite disney character or princess and find all the matching pages! Then they were able to color them!

And still the fun is not done, cause we seemed to have lost all the treasure of the kingdom! They each got their own baggie and were off to find as much treasure as they could!

After they found all the missing treasure, a dragon needed to be slayed! That mean dragon stole all their candy!

Looks viscious doesn't he!

They were finally able to kill him and take their candy back!

Of course what is a party without cake and ice cream!

Such a big girl!

Blowing out all her candles!

Then the presents! Can we say Spoiled! This girl no longer needs anything and then some!

Time to eat! Yum! Is it ironic that Kira didn't want a piece of her own cake? Oh well I'm sure the ice cream was good!

Then off to the playground to completely wear them out! I think the party was hit!

Thank you to all the wonderful friends and family who came and celebrated my little princess' 4th birthday it wouldn't have been nearly as wonderful without you!