Monday, May 18, 2015


Dance Review 2015!

 Kira's dance review was this Saturday! It ended up being a long show because we combined all the classes to dance in one show! The girls and boys all did really good!
 Kira has gotten so much better! She is such a funny little dancer. I love the facial expressions she makes!

 This was her favorite part of the whole dance! "Bing Bang! I saw the whole thing!"

 Getting ready for the finale!
 The girls loved the song and they all sang really loud! Especially the word "Strong"!

I sure love my beautiful dancer!
 Kira and Teacher Natalie!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Papa Escapes!

The Ramp has been built! My dad's new ramp was built this last weekend. He is so happy to be out and about. As soon as it was built he was outside. We were hard pressed to get him back inside even though it was raining hard.
 Later that rainy day we walked down to the Island Market. Which he would do all the time, but wasn't able to do for a long time. Kira had a great time riding on Papa the whole way to and from the store!

 Thankfully Sunday was beautiful!
As a family we all walked (Rode) to the new hill/road on 2nd east. My dad had been wanting to go down the hill for a while and now was his big opportunity. So off we all went.

 Down they go!

 It was a beautiful walk! I am so thankful to all the people who made this happen. We are so very lucky and blessed to be in such a wonderful area and have so many people willing to help us!

Field Trip!

Kira's Kindergarten Class got to go on a field trip last friday! They got to visit Willow Park Zoo! Kira was so excited to go see the animals and to have me come with! It was a bit rainy in the morning so I was worried about the afternoon, but it turned out to be a beautiful day!

Later after we walked around and saw the animals we gathered in the classroom to talk about a few more animals. The kids got to see a parrot, a tortoise and a snake!
Kira was super brave and touched both the tortoise and the snake!


We got to go to Lagoon a couple of weeks ago! It was a blast! We had a huge part of the Ochsenbein Clan come with us!
Lexi, Hallee, Jill and Jess going on the Rocket!
Axel in his stroller!
Lexi and Halle waiting on the little kids!

Kira loved going on the rides with the smaller kids it made her feel so grown up and big! She still doesn't like the fast rides but had a lot of fun anyway!
Marlee and Kira on the Cars!
Jess and Clark riding the mini Rocket!
Kira and I doing the big Bumper Cars!

Roger, Brenda and Elora were so great at keeping an eye on all the little kids, while the adults and big kids went on the bigger rides!

Marlee, Kira, Dax, and Clark loved the planes!

Riding the train is a Lagoon tradition! It amazes me how many animals they have at Lagoon! Kira was dieing to go on the train! It is her favorite ride!

Kira and her Daddy Roger!

Kira loved looking at the peacock! We sat buy it for a long time so she could watch it fan out it's feathers!

Kira had to have her face painted! Ofcourse! So we got it early in the day so it would last all day long and kind of feel like I got my moneys worth!

It was a very long, tiring and fun day! Because of dance Kira, Roger and I were there at 8:30 and we didn't leave the park until 9:00 that evening. We said our goodbyes and then we had to ride the Sky Coaster at least once, because it is another Lagoon tradition! It was a wonderful end to an amazing day!