Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"It's time to say Good Bye to all our Friends"

 "It's time to say Good Bye to all our Friends!" was a song they sang everyday at the end of singing. The final day they sang it I was very  sad! Kira has had so much fun with all her class mates and her teachers! They had a little graduation on the very last class. I am so grateful Kira got to be apart of Cache Children's Choir this year!
Their Concert was adorable! Kira did a very good job. While she knew the words to "Take me to the Circus" and "Down by the Bay" she didn't seem to know any of the words to "I can't spell Hippopotomus". Their little hand actions were very cute!

 I am so proud of Kira and all she has accomplished this year!

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